Sunday, November 7, 2010

Last days of adventure

Our last day and a half was filled to the brim. We took the long way back from Petra to Amman. First we snorkelled in the Red Sea, 20km from the Saudi border and looking across the water towards Israel and Egypt. We had lunch in Wadi Rum, surrounded by red sand desert and strange sandstone cliffs. The next day we visited Jerash, a Roman city to rival Palmyra.

And then... it was time for the long trip home! We were definitely all looking forward to come back to our island paradise...

The Red Sea near Aqaba, where we had a quick snorkel. The reef was stunning! Next time the underwater camera housing will have to fit somewhere...
Midday in Wadi Rum. It was hot.

Sandstone cliffs around Wadi Rum

Riding off into the desert

The temple of Artemis in Jerash

Jerash is still a very active archaeological site. They were digging while visitors wandered through

The boys are off to conquer Jerash

A drain! Peter would be proud of me.

The round city square

Roman columns with the new city of Jerash in the background

Rodney's second cousin.
We stumbled on a music performance in the amphitheatre - with bagpipes, of course.

One of the two amphitheatres in Jerash

At the far end of the city, we came upon what looked like a Bollywood movie being filmed. We didn't dare go any closer - but there was definitely a glamorous actress in a bright sari, lots of loud music and a guy going through some dance moves. So if you ever see Roman ruins as a backdrop in some Bollywood movie... it could be Jerash!

Thanks for sharing our journey with us... till next time!

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