Friday, November 5, 2010

Jordan Day 2: on the way to Petra

We took the long road to Petra, through Wadi Mujib and with a stop at Elkarak Castle.
A wadi is a valley created by a seasonal river. Sometimes, as in the case of Wadi Mujib, it's a canyon! Perfect for paper planes...
Bright and early: sunrise over Amman, viewed from our hotel room.
The intrepid travellers... one of few photos with Peter in it. This is the lookout point...

And this was the view!

The toruous road goes down one side of Wadi Mujib, over a dam, and up again on the other side.

The view is all well and good, but the boys soon got down to the serious business of... paper planes!
Elkarak Castle is another monument left by the Crusaders

Part of the castle and the view over the hillsides

Felix straps on the watch to go off exploring the tunnels and dungeons  

We arrived in Petra with an hour to go before they closed the gates to the ruins. We made a quick dash through the canyon to see the famous treasury, and came out at dusk as the moon was rising. Felix had gone ahead and planned to ambush us, Tai and Barney were onto him and started to climb up the hillside to surprise him from behind. He sprang out Ninja-style from further up... but the others had already lost interest and were busy posing for the camera.

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